Wednesday 15 December 2010

Analysis of KERRANG! Contents Page

The first technical aspect of this front cover is the colour scheme. The colour scheme for this issue is constant; black, white and yellow. In the top lefthand corner of the page, is the letter from the editor. Although there are no colours there to help it stand out, it still draws our attention because we instinctively look from left to right, top to bottom, so placing something in the top left-hand corner will automatically grab our attention. I think that this is placed here because most people ignore the letter from the editor, so is placed somewhere we, as readers, are bound to look. There are a range of pictures on this page. All but one are the same size, and are placed in a uniform pattern, in chronological order of where they are in the magazine. Each picture has a small section below it to inform the reader about the article the picture represents and the page number on which that article is. On the right-hand side, there is a full copy of the contents of the magazine, listing every single different article or feature of this issue.

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