Friday 10 December 2010

"REVOLVER" Front Cover Analysis

Like the other magazine front covers, the main cover overlaps the masthead. Although this conceals the name of the magazine, this tends to be popular among all magazines. The masthead itself is large, bold and in a simple font. It uses a dark colour on a light background in order to stand out among other magazines as well as making the masthead easy to read. The main feature of the magazine is clearly displayed on the cover as the font size is much larger than the other articles. It is also displayed on the left hand side, so if it is presented on a horizontal rack, the reader can still see the features. The white-on-black font of the banner along the bottmom of the cover draws the readers eye, enticing them to buy it as it advertises free downloads. On the right hand side presents other groups and artists that are alo featured in the issue, the in what way they are featured has not been specified. Again, like te others, REVOLVER sticks to a simple colour scheme of black, white and grey as well as orange and a hint of yellow.

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